Nominated Charity for 2016

Screen Shot 2016-03-01 at 22.27.19IMG_4689We are delighted to have been successfully chosen as the charity that Chris Grayling MP for Epsom & Ewell will be supporting for 2016.

We look forward to working with Chris to continue our work supporting teenagers being treated with cancer.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

EBT Ball 2015It’s been another fantastic year for all of us at Emma’s Bubble Trust. I would like to thank you for support and for making Emma’s Ball such a fantastic night. I hope that many of you enjoyed the evening, we certainly did and we managed to raised £4130, which is amazing as it allows us to cover the costs of the flat in Sutton for about 6 months!
At Emma’s Ball there’s a few people that we would like to thank. Firstly all of Emma’s Army and the Events Committee for help on the day of the ball and throughout the year. Without your dedication and hard work, we wouldn’t be able to be as successful as we are. Secondly a massive thanks to David Morgan, our amazing Master of Ceremonies, who comes out of retirement for us every year to host us. The job that you do is superb and really ensures that everyone has a fantastic time! Thirdly many thanks to the team at PartyTime Entertainment Limited who provided a superb night of entertainment and even auctioned off their services at the end of the night, which raised us another £460, which all comes straight to us!
I have included a link to the photographer in case you would like to order any photos. I know that a lot of people have asked for the link as they had intended to buy their photos but time ran out! The evening seemed to finish too soon!
Finally on behalf of everyone involved with EBT and anyone that we haven’t thanked here, we would like to say thank you and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year.

Ladies High Tea

A lovely afternoon was spent on Epsom Downs on Sunday 20th September thanks to Krystal Events who organized a Ladies High Tea.

The sun was shining as we had a glass or two of presecco on the terrace looking over the racecourse. We then enjoyed a first class afternoon tea while being entertained by a fashion Show put on by Savanah’s Boutique and were then serenaded by James Dyer. There was even a chance for some retail therapy as we wondered around various retail stalls selling such lovely things.

A huge thank you to Justine and Jan for organising the event, to The Spaghetti Tree of Walton on the Hill for providing the prosecco, to Leaders for sponsoring the music and most importantly to all the ladies that came and supported us!

We would also like to thank Charlie Brown Hair Salons and to the students of South Thames College for their time making the models of the fashion show look so gorgeous.

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Soft Toy Tombola 2015

Soft toy tombolaWe have fun this year doing our usual soft toy tombola’s. We were lucky enough to be invited to attend The Walton on the Hill Pageant, The Wimbledon Fair held on Wimbledon Common, Shadbolt Park and Trifest which was held for the first time in Auriol Park in Worcester Park.


Chris McGaw and his epic climbs

11846606_10155905745500514_4616858983453697063_nOur good and crazy cyclist friend Chris McGaw, is off again for another of his epic rides in his trusty moth eaten Emma’s Bubble Trust t-shirt (his words not ours).

Here’s the description of the ride from the man himself:

It’s basically the East to West route from Lowestoft to Ardnamurchan Lighthouse but with a few killer hills thrown in for good measure (taken from Simon Warren’s books).

And here’s the itinerary:

Day 1 – Ness Point to Leadenham
Day 2 – Leadenham to Grains Bar via Riber (32) and Winnats Pass (33)
Day 3 – Grains Bar to St Johns Chapel via Mytholm Steeps (139), Park Rash (45) and Buttertubs Pass (49)
Day 4 – St John’s Chapel to Cumnock via Killhope Cross (185) and Mennock Pass (63)
Day 5 – Cumnock to Oban
Day 6 – Oban to Corrachadh Mòr via Bealach Feith Nan Laogh (166)
Day 7 – Corrachadh Mòr to TBC via Rest and Be Thankful (68)
Day 8 – TBC to Glasgow via Bealach Maim (163)

The numbers in brackets refer to the 10 hills taken from the book (and its sequel). You can see where they are if you like here:…

Actual cycle starts Saturday morning and all being well, I should be at the Lighthouse next Thursday afternoon (20th Aug). I then have to cycle back to Glasgow via another couple of hills to catch a train home…

A bit nervous about this one. I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew!

So everyone can you please please please give Chris a bit of a spur on and sponsor by going to his JustGiving page here.

We’ve bought a flat

california-courtWe are delighted to announce that we have reached another of our targets which is to purchase a flat. This will provide a place to stay for the families of those teenagers that are being treated at The Royal Mardsen Hospital in Sutton.

Our thanks go to all those that have,and continue to support us in order for this target to be realised. A very big thank you also goes to everyone that came along to help decorate the flat, we still have a small amount of plastering to be done (if anyone is able to offer their services we would be grateful) and of course furnish it.

We hope to have our first family staying by late September.

Look out for a progress report within the coming weeks!

Many thanks to all our 2015 London to Brighton Riders

We’ve now been running our annual London to Brighton Bike Ride since 2009, so in its 7th carnation, it was amazing to see 10 people (including some newbies) take part. So well done to Jo, Heather, Chris, Sue, Izzy, Mark, Ian, Paul, Adam and Lou!

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Emma’s Ball 2014

Our 2014 Ball was a great success – in fact such a success that it was a sell out!!

Thank you to everyone that came and supported us and helped raise a staggering total of just under £7000 net without your support we wouldn’t be able to carry on the good work that everyone at Emma’s Bubble Trust has been able to achieve so far.

Our special thanks go to the following companies and individual people who generously helped us this year;

  • Nigel Jones – Ductclean (UK) Ltd
  • Paul Pike
  • Peter Gleason
  • Luke Reilly
  • Café Rouge
  • Fetcham Tandori, restaurant
  • The Derby Arms
  • Henry’s Grill, Cobham
  • The Mogual Dynasty, Ashtead
  • Nandos, Epsom
  • Topo Gigios, Ewell
  • The Stoneleigh, Bassarie
  • Lythe Hill Hotel
  • Handpicked Hotels
  • Champneys

We are looking forward to next years Ball which is on 12th December. Get it in your diary now and reserve your tickets in advance. Don’t Miss out!!




Malden Parochial boys walk for EBT

f132e6ef-44fe-4cda-9748-c86b51c0eac1Nic Hawkins and a group of his friends take part on an annual walk from Brighton to Dorking to raise money for charity. This year they have decided to walk for us, which we are very touched by. Most of the boys (men) attended Malden Parochial School where Lynn has worked for the past 12 years and where Emma also had close connections.

The boys always dress up in fancy dress always involving a kilt as tradition dictates.

The boys set off on Tuesday 22nd July 2014 and will hopefully keep us updated on events along the way.

Those taking part are: Nic Hawkins, Jack Hawkins, Scott Hawkins, Chris Carter, James Glover, Liam Hurley, Joe Fores, Matt Cleavely, Hamza Mahmood, James Turner and Jake Mattocks.

Good Luck boys hope you have comfy shoes!!

Oh and please sponsor them all at

John swims the Thames

john-swimWe would like to say a huge thank you to John Mundy who very bravely decided to take part in a swim from Hampton Court to Kingston Bridge on Sunday 20th July. He did it in just over an hour, which is a fantastic achievement. John we love you especially in the very fetching mankini worn over your wetsuit!! If you would like to add to John’s fundraising fund then check out his Justgiving page.swim1