Ride For Emma 2011

Day 1: Thursday August 25th, Royal Marsden to Harwich, Essex (approximately 95 miles)

We set off as usual from the Marsden. The first leg of our route took us east through London and on into Essex and our ultimate destination of the ferry port of Harwich.

The weather was truly horrible with persistent rain for much of the way. We had a stop mid morning near Tower Bridge for a cup of tea and a bit of a drying out (plus a quick call to the office!).

Once we’d crossed the river we were into “real” East London, and traffic became more and more of a hazard. As we reached Whitechapel Road and the London Hospital district I took my first tumble of the trip when a seemingly blind and totally incompetent driver turned out of a side road and struck me a glancing blow, pitching me sideways over the bonnet of his car and into the road.

Ian was behind me and managed to pull me to safety before any further damage was done. Luckily I’d suffered nothing worse than bruised ribs, legs and hands and eventually recovered sufficient composure to plough on.

Eventually we managed to break free of East London’s urban sprawl and got into the Essex countryside, which was generally a much more pleasant cycling experience, albeit one punctured with a couple of punctures along the way.

We were happy to get to Harwich as we were tired, wet and hungry, and also as the last hour and an half or so from Colchester and the A120 had been defined by long, flat, featureless and windy straights. We grabbed a much needed meal at the local Brewers Fayre place before joining our ferry and flopping into bed in the extremely comfortable cabins for the overnight crossing to the Hook of Holland.

Day 2: Friday August 26th, Hook of Holland to Amsterdam (approximately 54 miles)

We grabbed a quick breakfast in a local café in Hook of Holland village before hitting the road. Once again the weather was against us as we picked up the coastal cycle route that meandered toward Amsterdam.

The cycling itself was generally good and we made excellent time. Eventually we found ourselves cycling through the crazy streets of Amsterdam, full of other cyclists and trams. The trams were particularly “interesting” as they had the slightly disconcerting habit of seeming to come at you from different directions at the same time!

By the time we’d found the rough location of our St Christopher’s Hostel in Central Amsterdam we also hooked up with Paul who’d unfortunately had a puncture of his own in the back up car.  Once the faulty wheel had been changed, Paul drove off across town to find an overnight parking place as there wasn’t anywhere to park near the hostel.

Happily Paul was able to put his “internal sat nav” to good use and managed his way back to us at the hostel. After a shower we went and had a fantastic Argentinean steak in a nearby Gaucho style restaurant. We got back to the hostel full and ready for a night’s sleep.

Day 3: Saturday August 27th, Amsterdam to Hook of Holland (approximately 54 miles)

Yet more persistent rain blasted us as we left Amsterdam on our return to Hook of Holland, and the mood was low as we slogged our way out to the outskirts of the city.

The mood got worse as Adam had to stop cycling due to a nasty knee problem which had been getting progressively worse throughout the trip. Ian and I soldiered on and immediately got lost in one of the towns bordering the outer limits of Amsterdam.

We stopped to ask a local directions back to the Hook of Holland cycle route, and imagine the surprise on his face when Ian – forgetting he was still part clipped into his pedals – toppled over to one side and hit the ground in front of him!

Eventually we found our way back onto the right cycle route, and were cycling through a small town when both of us (independently) skidded whilst crossing some tram lines and came off our bikes with a serious thump. Amazingly, neither of us sustained any more damage to ourselves than bruises and cuts to legs, knees and elbows, and both bikes also came through the ordeal relatively unscathed. In fact, the more serious damage was probably done to our egos as we managed to come off next to a local tram station stop, and a number of people raced over to help, concerned about our wellbeing!

Once we got to Hook and met up with Paul and Adam we had some time to kill before ferry departure, and so we decided to get a beer at a “real” Dutch pub. The place was packed with middle aged locals who all went silent as we entered, still damp, sweaty and togged in our cycling lycras (nice…!).

The mood quickly changed as the locals welcomed us warmly. In fact, one or two of the ladies wolf whistled at us (!!??) and appeared to take a particular shine to Ian as he went up to the bar to get a round in! We even managed to get a “discount” on our second round, which was delivered by one of “Ian’s ladies” with a wink….

Needless to say, we got out of there reasonably quickly (!!) before downing a reasonable Chinese meal and then boarding the ferry for our overnight return trip to Blighty and some welcome shut eye.

Day 4 Sunday August 28th, Harwich to Royal Marsden Sutton (approximately 95 miles)

We stopped at the Brewers Fayre for breakfast, which was a lifesaver as we were all starving.

Sadly Adam’s knee was still bad so Ian and I set off without him into the gloom. The A120 part of the journey through to Colchester was hard as it was windy and it was proving hard to get started. However, we got through it and started to pick up the pace, stopping for a hearty ham, egg and chips lunch in an Essex village pub en route.

As we left quiet roads for an intersection with a main road my rear wheel hit a cats eye, causing it to rear up nastily. I wobbled, perilously out of control for a split second as Ian looked on in horror from behind, with cars speeding by us. Luckily I regained control and we picked our way carefully out of this particularly busy intersection.

After that we really started making good progress, crunching the miles through Essex and on into East London. Ridiculously we managed to “lose” Tower Bridge (!!) and so crossed the Thames at London Bridge before following our route westwards through South London.

As we approached Rose Hill and Sutton and the end of our journey, two things happened. Firstly, two youths barracked Ian as he cycled past (although we’d had the odd problem with UK motorists, this was a “pedestrian first” for the trip), and secondly I had the misfortune of hearing things get worse and worse for my beloved Arsenal at Manchester United via my DAB radio (I’m sure you all know what happened there so I won’t repeat it!).

Somehow we got to our final destination at the Marsden without a. Ian lamping the two youths who abused him (I’m not sure that they’d have been quite as lucky if it had happened at the beginning of our trek) and b. me trashing my DAB radio in a fit of pique!

Annoyingly when we did the formal tot up we realised we’d cycled 298 miles for the total trip. If we’d have realised this on the way in I’m sure that we’d both have spun the last bit out for an additional 2 miles, but overall we were happy with our achievement. We decamped to the Derby Arms in Epsom for a final “debrief” (actually a couple of pints of delicious Aspalls cider, but that’s another story…) before going home, tired but satisfied with our efforts, and looking forward to our Bank Holiday Monday the following day.

Special thanks to everyone who sponsored the three of us as you make all of the effort, bumps and bruises worthwhile, and also to Ian and Adam who were – as ever – fantastic companions on the road, and who made the miles slip by (relatively) painlessly.

Last, but by no means least a special word for Paul. Without his tireless support and relentless positivity we really wouldn’t be able to do this stuff, and to have a bit of fun along the way.

Please watch this space for information about Ride for Emma 2012, coming soon…

Mark Brandon

Fashion Show 2011

We held our second fashion show on Monday 11th July and had a packed house! Thank you to everyone that came along we raised £332 .65. Most managed to bag some bargins while enjoying a glass of wine and watching the show.

Thank you to our lovely models Louise, Ellen Diane and Brodie who all looked lovely and did a splendid job on the catwalk, but most of all thank you to all those that came along and supported us.Keep checking the website for the next one!

Golf For Emma 2011

This years Golf Day was a huge success over at this years new venue the Surrey Downs Golf Course.

We were hugely fortunate with this years weather (a sweltering 35 degrees on course), which although pleasant for sunbathing, created an incredibly hard round of golf. A total of 14 people took part in this years event, with people of all ages and abilities.

Everyone played very well though, with Paul Lynch gaining closest to the pin and overall winner of the day (playing off a jaw dropping 28 handicap, which will certainly change next year) being rookie Huw Morgan.

Check out the photos here.

London to Brighton 2011

This years 47 mile trek from The Royal Marsden Hospital in Sutton to Brighton was quite possibly the hardest London to Brighton we’ve participated in to date. A combination of rain, sun, wind and cold, made the conditions incredibly difficult for a mixed bag of cyclists.

The day started off on a high with the sun shining and everybody ready to get on their way. The weather soon took a turn for the worse though with the rain setting in and putting a damper on the whole event. Rain turned to cold and cold turned to wind. However with spirits high everybody plugged away and eventually we made it to our first stop of Fanny’s Farm, where we filled up on energy bars and drinks. More rain and wind later it was nearly time for lunch, which was off set by the fact that Mark got a puncture (fortunately the only one of the day). Eventually our usual lunch spot was on the horizon, with us all ready to get inside and warm up. Sadly however the place was full, so on we all trudged to the next location.

A fantastic meal later, spirits were once again high, and we only had about 15 miles left to ride before arriving in Brighton. Soon enough we were at Ditchling Beacon, where a few of us took on the beast of a hill, and a few of us walked. All of us made it up to the peak though, knowing that we were nearly there.

On the hill down into Brighton, things took a turn for the worse. Rain had hammered down for most of the day, with the wind intensity slowly increases, which amounted to a time when Lynn Brandon was actually blown off of her bike and fortunately didn’t injure herself. After this scary moment, things were taken a little easier, with a slow roll down to the pier, where we finished the day in style by having a few beers in our old favourite The Brighton Rocks.

Many thanks to all those that attended this years ride and raised a huge amount of money for us!

To view the photos click here

Virgin London Marathon 2011

Chris ran the Virgin London Marathon’s 26.4 miles in a fantastic time of 3 hours 7 minutes, shaving 20 minutes off of his previous years run for the Children’s Trust. We’re really appreciative of Chris, who wasn’t only born on the same day as Emma, but was also nicknamed Bubble by no other than celeb chef Gordon Ramsey, when he worked with him.

Chris had hoped to complete the run in less than 3 hours but said of the day “I’d hoped to run sub 3 hours after training really hard, but an incredibly hot day made it too hard. I’m still really pleased with my time though”.

All we can say is congratulations Chris, the time you’ve set, and the £680 you’ve raised in doing so is an incredible feat, we can’t thank you enough.

You can see all of the photos from the day here.

Walk For Emma 2011

The 3rd Annual Emma’s Bubble Trust Walk for Emma took place on Sunday 27th March 2011 to a welfare of walkers, families and dog enthusiasts. A few hundred people showed up for the sunniest ‘first’ day of springs that we’ve had for years to do laps of the Epsom Downs Racecourse, raising hundreds of pounds in the process. Many thanks to all of those that attended and a special thanks to all of the volunteers who helped out marshalling the course and chasing people for their spare change.

Click here to view all the photos

1500 Army Members

We finally hit the landmark 1500 Facebook Friends (we like to call them Emma’s Army) after Mark Brandon’s great talk at Blenheim School. We’re hoping to grow the Army from strength to strength, so please please please keep inviting your friends and family members and help us create a following that really helps us remember Every Moment Matters Always. To join the Facebook group yourself please visit http://www.facebook.com/pages/Emmas-Bubble-Trust/100116084224

£6100 Raised at Ball

First off we would like to thank everyone that attended the 2nd Annual Emma’s Bubble Trust Ball. It’s a testament in such tough times that we could get so many of our supporters along to our big event to celebrate and remember that Every Moment Matters Always. If you’re interested in seeing some photo’s of the event you can do here. You can also view the official photo’s taken by our friends at Pret-a-Portrait by visiting their website www.pret-a-portrait.net and using the code is EBTA11122010!.

A secondary benefactor to the ball is in the fact that it continues to raise vast amounts of money for us and we would like to congratulate all of you in raising the net sum of £6100. We’ve decided this year to hold onto the money so that we can donate a large portion next year to the new Teenage Cancer Ward at the Royal Marsden hospital in Sutton.

Patrick Teague Skydive

We think he might be crazy, but our good friend Patrick ‘Paddy’ Teague did a Skydive for us and in doing so raised £157! Photo’s of Paddy’s epic jump can be seen below:

London to Paris 2010

Adam Lynch, Betty Blok, Ellen Aherne, Ian Flight, Izzy Brinsden, Louise Derrick, Mark Brandon, Patrick Teague, Paul Lynch (driver) Sam Austin and Tom Kieran, all embarked on the toughest of challenges for 2010, cycling from London to Paris. For all of the pictures please see here.

Early on Wednesday 1st September, the RideForEmma team began their epic journey at The Royal Marsden hospital in Sutton, but tragedy struck before they had even left the car park. A complete blowout on Adam’s tyre meant that he was unable to ride. So the team (minus Adam) began the ride while the Aherne family took Adam to the very kind Corridori Cycle Store (http://www.corridori.co.uk/), to pick up spare bike parts…more on this later.

Eventually the team were reunited, to continue along the now famous London to Brighton route. All of the girls had clearly been in training as this year they were flying along. After a quick stop for lunch at The Gardeners Arms we set off again, with very few problems after the horrific start to the morning. Before we knew it we were in Ditchling, the point on the London to Brighton ride that many people start to worry. Luckily for us we were taking a left and bypassing the awful Ditchling Beacon, in order to setup camp in Newhaven. Sadly the day ended as it started with Ian gaining a puncture which needed to be fixed. The team were split up and ended up missing the campsite. Fortunately before the sun set the team were re-united and promptly set up camp for a cold night in tents by the sea.

Very early the next morning after a sleepless night we had to pack up camp and head to the Newhaven ferry for the 4 hour crossing to Dieppe. The weather was fantastic, perfect for riding, which was a shame that we were on the ferry for so long. However we made it across to France and once again set off along the best road surfaces we had encountered yet. We had intended to get to Gourney-en-Bray to camp, however light was fading fast and we had cycled a very good distance in a short time. We found a great place to camp at Forges les Eaux, the French really do know how its done, with hot showers and a great pitch. The guys all heading into town for a meal (the best chinese in france) with the girls staying back at camp to cook pasta round a gas hob.

An early night yet again allowed us to get back on the road for the furthest ride to date. We needed to make up the time for stopping short yesterday. Yet again the roads were nice and flat and superbly maintained, which allowed for us to build up a good amount of speed and cover a lot of ground quickly. After an hour of cycling the team had split into two distinct groups, with Mark leading the way. Sadly though for the second time on the trip disaster struck with the leader of the pack gaining a blowout. Fortunately Adam had stocked up on spare parts and had fortunately bought a few extra tyres. Waiting for Paul to arrive in the van, the majority of the team set off ahead to gain some ground, with Mark and Adam insisting that they would catch up quickly.

Eventually after 2 hours of chasing the teams were reunited and in desperate need of some lunch. Sadly though the farmlands of outer Paris didn’t play well for restaurants or places to eat and so a picnic ensued on the side of the road. We were aiming for the International Camping of Maisons Laffitte, 20km outside of Paris. We made it after cycling a staggering 109km, the furthest the girls have ever cycled! Once again we bedded down for the night all very excited for the last short trip into Paris.

A small sleep in the next day, Sam donned his pink attire, for the last short ride into Paris, with the aim of finding the St. Christophers Inn after navigating our way to the Arc du Triomphe to officially complete the ride. Paris proved to be a very confusing place indeed with many one way streets, awful cobbled roads and horrific drivers. We stuck together as a group though and eventually we made it after cycling 279.9km!

Congratulations to all of this years participants and BIG BIG thanks to Paul for driving home that night to Dieppe as there was no-where for him to park the van in Paris. Special thanks must also go to ISHOKA for borrowing of the van for the 5 day trip and also to the Corridori team for such great advice for the ride when it was desperately needed!