Entries by Adam Lynch

The Zen Relics

Come along to Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall to see The Zen Relics perform their fantastic act. Tickets just £10.


Graham Fryer talks about his epic cycle ride from Paris to Geneva, a journey of highs, lows, mountains and crashes.

Paris to Geneva Update

As Graham’s donation tally slowly increases (he’s now at £2615), we thought it best to give you a quick update on his epic ride from Paris to Geneva. After the […]

Paris to Geneva

The crazy Graham Fryer is cycling for us from Paris to Geneva! As part of a group the guy’ll be cycling approximately 330miles miles. We need to raise as much […]

Berlin Challenge Day 7

Wind wind and more wind on today’s relatively short but ultimately flat and demanding ride. I left late today knowing that I wouldn’t be able to get on the ferry […]

Berlin Challenge Day 6

Day 5 of cycling solo and the body is starting to hurt. I can’t wait to be out of the saddle. After 96 miles today, of wind, national parks, flat […]

Berlin Challenge Day 5

The last few days were tough, with my Achilles aching, Garmin becoming unruly on these continental roads and mentally feeling a little crushed from the 150 mile day 2. So […]