Entries by Adam Lynch

A sad loss for us all

As many of you already know we very sadly lost someone very dear to us on 21 April 2020. Caroline Welford was a valued member of our events committee as […]

Alison’s Tribute to Caroline

Alison Cutts ran her own marathon on Sunday 26th April as a tribute to Caroline. She ran 26 miles around her garden in “lockdown” and has raised an amazing £1350  […]

2.6 Challenge

COVID-19 has had and is continuing to have a massive impact on charities in the UK. We’ve been personally affected by this virus in so many ways and while still […]

M&S fundraising

The brilliant people of Ashtead have managed to raise £720 through all of the events that have been held there since we became local charity. We want to say a […]

The Entertainer donates £1000

The Entertainer Group donated £1000 to Emma’s Bubble Trust as part of their penny round up campaign. After discovering the charity online the Camberley branch of the Entertainer decided to […]