Not Just Travel – Support us through your Holidays!
When you book your getaway through the wonderful Julia Onslow-Cole from Not Just Travel, she’ll make a donation to Emma’s Bubble Trust!
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Adam Lynch contributed 157 entries already.
When you book your getaway through the wonderful Julia Onslow-Cole from Not Just Travel, she’ll make a donation to Emma’s Bubble Trust!
A big thank you to everyone that took part in the Christmas Raffle arranged at The Royal Oak Pub in Hampton which was arranged by Judi & Wendy. A total […]
Thank you to everyone that took part in this years usual Christmas Square Raffle to win a Fortnam & Masons Hamper’ Look out for our Easter Square Raffle coming in […]
Our annual Emma’s Ball took place on 7th December at The Woodlands Park Hotel, Cobham. We had a fabulous evening and raised £6410 Thank you to all those that attended and […]
On the 10th of October we held a fashion show at The Del Centre, Ashtead.
Epsom Golf Club have adopted us as their charity of the year for 2024
Well they have completed the Nijmegen Four Day March challenge for the second year.
Terry, Jimmy, Kris and Karen will be taking on an epic Nijmegen Four Day March
Check out the amazing new bathroom in our flat!
Emma’s Bubble Trust is a Registered Charity No. 1124504. Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England & Wales.
Registered address is 25 Oaken Coppice, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 1DL