Gin Experience

14100503_10210378060426815_1165630190180257296_nIan McCulloch one of our trustees hosted a great evening last Saturday 3rd September at his gin distillery at The Silent Pool.

We learned how the gin is made and how they came up with the great blend giving the Silent Pool gin it’s lovely taste. We were greeted with a G&T in one of their beautiful glasses and after the tour were then invited to sample some of the other products that they are making too.

Unfortunately the sun didn’t shine and the rain fell down in torrents but that didn’t spoil the evening at all. I think I can speak for all those that attended that we had a great time, learnt a lot and for me personally I had my first Gin and tonic and loved it!

If you are in the Shere/ Albury area do pop in, it is well worth a visit. Take your money with you though as you won’t be able to resist a purchase or two!

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