Emma’s Ball 2018: 10th Anniversary

Thank you so much for attending our ball this year, we hope that you had a lovely evening and that we will see you again next year.

We raised almost £6000 which as Mark mentioned in his speech will help to keep the flat going for another year. 

Lynn and Mark had a positive meeting with the hospital this week which confirmed that having the flat is an absolute god send  for those families and patients attending the Marsden from miles away.

Please can we ask that if you haven’t yet paid for any auction prizes that you successfully bid for, that they are paid by 15th December.

  • Bank details are Sort Code 40-27-07 
  • Account Emma’s Bubble Trust 71563971
  • Ref: Surname and what you bid for (e.g. Brandon- football)

Lastly a big thank you to Reuben for taking the very brave step of shaving his hair off. Not only did we benefit from you generous donations but The Princess Trust will also be able to help a cancer patient by using the hair to make a wig.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year.

Always remember Every Moment Matters Always

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